Saturday, April 30, 2011

Freiburg in The Black Forest Germany

We have had our last 2 days of sight seeing in Freiburg in The Black Forest in Germany
The people are wonderful - friendly and helpful, even though our only language we speak is English they did all they could to include us and help us with the language barrier - english is taught in school as a second or third language depending if the student prefers to select French or English as 2nd/3rd language to study
This area is so environmentally friendly with a great recycle systems. Wind powered turbines can be seen on many of the mountain ridges.
Many of the homes in the small villages have solar panels on the roof as do industrial buildings with some industries having their own wind turbines

 City of Freiburg

The markets in Frieburg

 Wall of the old city of Freiburg

 Ken throwing a Euro cent on the crocodile

This church in Freiburg build in the year 1200 -only building in the old town not damaged during the 1944 bombings
Germany's longest loop cable car goes for 3.6kms 1220 mtrs above sea level

1220mtrs above sea level - a misty light rain but you can see the wind turbines on the mountains
Had a great lunch in the restaurant at the top

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rhine River Germany

We drove from Hausach (pronounced Housa) to Rust (pronounced Ruse) which is takes around 1hr and took a boat trip down the Rhine (the boat was booked prior to the day)We travelled for 8 kms down the river, so peaceful you forget the rest of the world exists
The tour was in German comentary as you will hear on the movie but the guide did a great job in English keeping us up to date with what he was speaking about.
It was a section of the original Rhine prior to the straightening of it and is now a tributary off the Rhine.
Great animal and bird life in what is a protected area. 
The Rhine River divides Germany and France

This is the type of boat we had with a Guide pushing it along

 Sense of humour
Scene of the Rhine River

Water fowl (black with white face)


 View along the Rhine River
 View along the Rhine River
View along the Rhine River

 Flat Bottom Boating on the Rhine River

Hiking in Hausach Germany

We have been working our way through the mapped hikes for this area and yesterday did a 15km hike and reached a height of 790mtrs.  The view was spectacular and so worth the effort. 
We sat at the highest point at 10kms to catch our breath and rest our tired legs before decending 5 kms plus 3 more to get us back to where we are staying - needless to say we slept well last night!
At the highest point there was a hut with pictures around the walls and a journal to write in to say you were there. 
It is so impressive how the parks are looked after here in the Black Forest - Hope you enjoy the photos we took along the way.

At 7kms we were still smiling 
View at 7 kms

 We came across this beautiful wood carving along the hiking track
 The hut 790 Mtrs up
 Not smiling so much at 10 Kms up the mountain
 The Hut at the highest point
 Spectacular view at the highest point
 Ken at the highest point
 More of that spectacular view at the top


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Germany Bavaria - Fussen

Our time in Fussen and crossing into Austria
Time to make our way back towards Hausach but have decided to first take a look at Fussen and the Austrian Border and then return to Hausach via Ulm and Stuttgart - this took us around 5hours

Between Fussen and the Austrian Border

Streets of Fussen

Streets of Fussen


The old wall city of Fussen

Ken in Fussen


Fussen streets

Old city wall of Fussen

Between Fussen and Austrian border

Between Fussen and the Austrian Border

700m to Austrian Border

Fussen restaurant 700mtrs from Austrian border

Germany - Bavaria

We drove from Meersburg to Schwangau the little village at the foot of  Neuschwanstein Castle not far from the village of Fussen.  The trip was so scenic as we set off from the lake with the Swiss Alps in the distance, we soon lost sight of them, they were replaced by the Austrian Alps almost all of the remainder of the trip.  The scenery was amazing.
Booked in to a small family run hotel and then off exploring the small village and the castle
Just 1 night here but we had plenty of time to walk up the hill to the castle (could have taken a horse and cart instead of walking) to ease the guilt of the food and drink we have consumed while holidaying.
We took an english speaking tour of the castle and at the end of the tour decided to go out onto one of the viewing platforms to look at the view.... it began to snow, so beautiful and a magical feeling

Our accommodation

Back of our accommodation with Austrian Alps in the background
Hotel/Restaurant in Schwangau

Horse and buggy up and down to the castle

Ludwig II fantasy castle

Ludwig II fantasy castle

Ludwig II fantasy castle

View from Ludwigs castle

Views from Ludwigs castle looking towards the lakes near Fussen

Germany - Island of Mainua

We stayed in Meersburg on the opposite side of the lake to the Island of Mainua so caught the ferry (20 minute trip) to Constanz and then drove to the Island of Mainua which took approximately 15 minutes, parked the car and then walked across the bridge to the Island that is covered with beautiful lanscaping and flowers.
It was a dream that has seen reality when a grandfather left the Island in the care of his grandson that saw the dream build to what it is today.  This is a family project that has continued since the 1800's that has been built into a business that brings pleasure to people from all over the world.

Smiling flowers

Tulips and other flowers

Magnolia tree and Ken

Smiley and garden

Peacock of flowers

Duck on the pond of flowers

Ducks on the pond of flowers

Fields of tulips




The lake in flowers with all the villages that surround it

Stair display of tulips and Pencil Pines
Wall of flowers