Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rhine River Germany

We drove from Hausach (pronounced Housa) to Rust (pronounced Ruse) which is takes around 1hr and took a boat trip down the Rhine (the boat was booked prior to the day)We travelled for 8 kms down the river, so peaceful you forget the rest of the world exists
The tour was in German comentary as you will hear on the movie but the guide did a great job in English keeping us up to date with what he was speaking about.
It was a section of the original Rhine prior to the straightening of it and is now a tributary off the Rhine.
Great animal and bird life in what is a protected area. 
The Rhine River divides Germany and France

This is the type of boat we had with a Guide pushing it along

 Sense of humour
Scene of the Rhine River

Water fowl (black with white face)


 View along the Rhine River
 View along the Rhine River
View along the Rhine River

 Flat Bottom Boating on the Rhine River

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