Thursday, April 21, 2011

Germany - Island of Mainua

We stayed in Meersburg on the opposite side of the lake to the Island of Mainua so caught the ferry (20 minute trip) to Constanz and then drove to the Island of Mainua which took approximately 15 minutes, parked the car and then walked across the bridge to the Island that is covered with beautiful lanscaping and flowers.
It was a dream that has seen reality when a grandfather left the Island in the care of his grandson that saw the dream build to what it is today.  This is a family project that has continued since the 1800's that has been built into a business that brings pleasure to people from all over the world.

Smiling flowers

Tulips and other flowers

Magnolia tree and Ken

Smiley and garden

Peacock of flowers

Duck on the pond of flowers

Ducks on the pond of flowers

Fields of tulips




The lake in flowers with all the villages that surround it

Stair display of tulips and Pencil Pines
Wall of flowers

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